Certain Organization Profile fields can be edited by an Administrator for each of the users of the Organization. We'll explore what an Organization Administrator can edit on behalf of a user.
Editing a User's Profile
This can be done by accessing the Directory in the left navigation menu. From here, just click a user’s name to view their profile.
If you have Administrator access to the Organization, you will be able to click the Edit button in any of the available panels and make changes to some of the details in that panel.
About & Employment
Click "Edit Details" on the first panel (About & Employment) with the user's name and profile image.
Here you can upload a new photo for the user and update their Employer and Title.
Important Note: The Salutation, First Name, Middle Name, and Last Name fields are NOT available for an Administrator to edit. If you're an Administrator trying to change an incorrect name before a user has accepted their invitation, you can follow the steps in this article to correct this: Correcting a Misspelled User's Name.
Otherwise, these fields will need to be edited by the user themselves. Steps to assist them in editing their profile for both the Web and Mobile can be found here:
Managing Your User Profile & Settings (Web)
Managing Your User Profile & Settings (Mobile)
Adding Demographic information to your user's profiles can help your organization gain insight into the communities that may be represented within your board.
From the Demographics panel, you can click "Edit Details" to set the preferences for a user.
Important Note: An Administrator may restrict users in your organization from viewing or editing Demographics information.
Find out more in our Organization Settings article.
You'll be able to add the user's date of birth as well as select or opt-out of disclosing their information for the following questions:
- How do you describe your Gender Identity?
- To what racial/ethnic groups do you belong?
- Do you identify as LGBTQ+?
- Are you a Military Veteran?
- Are you an individual with Disabilities?
Once you've set all of the user's information, click Save Changes at the top right corner of the panel.
Additional Board Experience
Additional Board Experience allows you to list roles for other boards that your users currently serve on or have served on in the past.
Select "Edit Details" to add or edit additional board experience.
Enter the name of the "Organization" and the "Role" for that organization. Select the "Active Role" checkbox if the user currently serve swith that organization. Leave the "Active Role" checkbox blank if they no longer serve with that organization.
Select "+ Add Experience" to add rows to input more experience. Select the "X" next to a row to delete the row.
If the user does not have any prior board experience, select the "No prior board experience" checkbox.
Select "Save Changes" when complete.
Once a user has utilized OnBoard for meetings, resources, and other activities, they will be prompted to enter or confirm their additional board experience.
If no board experience has been provided, they'll be asked to input it. If board experience has been entered, they will be prompted to review and update it. After completing this, they'll have the option to refer their boards to OnBoard.
Contact & Address
The panel just below About & Employment is the "Contact & Address" tab. Clicking Edit Details here will allow an Administrator to edit a user's Contact and Address information.
Changing a user's OnBoardID / Email Address
While the user's email address is listed on this panel, it cannot be edited by an Administrator. If a mistake or typo has been made during the invitation process, there are two ways to resolve this:
Method 1. RECOMMENDED - The user can edit their email address using the steps in this article: [All Users] How do I change my OnBoard ID (Email Address)?
Method 2. Important Note: This option will require you to re-enter ALL contact details (photo, bio, etc.) and add the member manually back to ALL Groups and item Permissions they previously had set. This is only recommended if the user cannot log in using the above method.
Remove this user from your Organization, then repeat the invitation process with the steps in this article Inviting Users to your Organization (Individual & Bulk CSV Import) with a new email address.
Contact & Address Information
An Administrator can edit all of the Contact & Address fields. Contact information includes Work, Home, and Cell Phone numbers, while the Address information includes a user's Street Address, City, State, Postal Code, and Country information.
Important Note: An Administrator may restrict users in your organization from viewing this information on user profiles.
Find out more in our Organization Settings article.
Profession and career experience, education and recognition a user has earned, or any other pertinent information an Administrator or user would like to add can be set in the Biography by clicking Edit Details.
The Biography panel will open a text editor to enter or copy and paste the user's biography information into.
While you cannot edit a user's Skills from their Profile, you can view their currently shared skills.
To learn more about setting up Skills Tracking, view this article: Getting Started With Skills Tracking.
The Social panel can be found just below Skills, and similar to the previous panel can be edited by clicking "Edit Details."
Here a user's Twitter Handle and LinkedIn Profile URL can be added.
Groups, Roles & Terms
Similar to Skills, the "Groups, Roles & Terms" panel cannot be edited by an Administrator, though this information can be viewed here.
For more information on setting up Groups, please view the article Creating and Managing Groups. To learn more about Roles & Terms, please check out the article Creating and Managing User Roles and Terms.
Profile Settings
More Settings can be found at the top of the Profile screen by clicking on the "Settings" tab.
Receive Email Notifications Setting
An Administrator can change a user's Email Notification settings by toggling the checkbox for "Receive Email Notifications." Important Note: This will disable most OnBoard email notifications for the user, besides mandatory account emails such as Password Reset emails.
Alternate Notification Addresses Setting
You can also add additional email addresses for the user to receive their OnBoard Email Notifications by clicking the "Alternative Notification Addresses" button.
Important Note: The following notifications and emails will not go out to Alternative Notification Addresses, and will only send to the OnBoard ID email address:
- Account Invitation Emails
- Password Reset Emails
- Calendar Integration Emails (Calendar Invites)
You'll be able to add an Alternate Email Address to receive the OnBoard Email Notifications and the name of the user to receive the Notifications. This can come in very handy when a user is having their Notifications temporarily or permanently forwarded to a proxy user.
Clicking on "Add Another" on the bottom left of the window will allow adding multiple Alternative Notification Addresses.
Export User Profile Information
User profile information can be exported from the Directory. By clicking on "Export Memeber List" you'll download a .CSV file with your current user list and profile data. This list can also be used to import users back into OnBoard via the Import CSV process.
Changing a User's OnBoard ID/Email as an Admin
NOTE: Organization Admins cannot change a user's OnBoard ID/Email Address. This is because a user can be a member of multiple OnBoard organizations. If a user is a member of multiple OnBoard organizations, changing their OnBoard/Email Address in your organization would change their OnBoard ID/Email Address across all organizations they are a member of.
Only users can update their OnBoard ID/Email on their own. Review our Changing your OnBoard ID (Email Address) article for more information.
If, as an Organization Admin, you would like to update the OnBoard ID/Email Address for a user, please take the steps below to delete the user and re-add them to your organization with the correct email address.
- Delete the user using the 3-dotted menu to the right of the user in the Directory.
- Add your user with the correct email address using Add Member or Import CSV.
- Once re-added, ensure the user's profile and profile settings are updated.
- Restore the user's Permissions for meetings, resources, etc and add them back to the appropriate Groups.
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