Removing Users From Your Organization

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

There are multiple ways to remove a user's account from your Organization.

Temporary Deactivation

Deactivating a user means they cannot access any information from your Organization until you decide to reactivate them. This may be useful if you have a limited number of available user licenses and some seasonal users or temporary access for a user such as an Auditor.

To Deactivate a user, you would just find the user in your Directory and click the 3 dotted menu button and choose "Deactivate Member."


You'll need to confirm that you'd like to Deactivate the member by clicking "Yes, Deactivate." 


Important Note: Organization data will be removed from the Deactivated member's OnBoard mobile apps.

The user will then show as Deactivated in your Directory.



Reactivate a User

If you'd like to reactivate a member, you'll follow similar steps! Just click on the 3 dotted menu button to the far right side of the user in the Directory, then choose Reactivate Member.



Bulk User Deactivation

Users can be Deactivated in bulk as well. To do this, just head to your Directory in the left navigation. Once here, click the checkbox to the left side of the users' information in the Director to select them, then click "Bulk Actions" and then Deactivate Member.


You'll be asked to confirm this step since this will remove all Organization data from the deactivated users' OnBoard mobile apps.

Click "Yes, Deactivate" to deactivate the selected users from your Organization.


After this, the users will show a Deactivated status in your Directory and can be reactivated to allow access again at any time.



Bulk Reactivation

Similarly, you can also Reactivate users by selecting the Deactivated users by clicking the checkboxes to the left side of their name in the Directory, then click on Bulk Actions and Reactivate Member.



Permanent Deletion

A user can be deleted from your Organization permanently. However, please note that deleting a user from the Organization does NOT delete their OnBoard account. They will still have an OnBoard account but will be fully removed from your Organization in OnBoard, and all OnBoard app data will be removed from their mobile device.

If the user is also an Admin, it is recommended to Delegate Admin Permissions prior to deleting the user. Admin permissions can only be delegated by the user themselves or by submitting a support ticket. 

To delete a user, just head to the Director, click the 3 dotted button to the right side of the user's information and select "Delete Member."


You'll be asked to confirm this step since this is a permanent deletion. Just click "Yes, Delete" and the user will be removed from the Organization.


OnBoard Organization Admins can delete themselves from an organization. When deleting yourself, you will receive a prompt confirming that you'd like to permanently delete yourself from the Organization. Once deleted, you will need to be re-invited to the Organization to regain access. 


There must be at least one Admin for an Organization. If you attempt to delete yourself and there are no other Admins in your Organization, you'll receive a prompt notifying you that you cannot remove yourself. 


Bulk Delete Users

If you have several users you'd like to delete simultaneously, you can do this as well! Just click the checkbox to the left of the users' names in your Directory. Once all of the users you'd like to delete are selected, click "Bulk Actions" near the top right side of the screen and choose "Delete Member."


You'll be asked to confirm this step since it will permanently remove the users from your Organization, as well as all Organization data from the deleted users' OnBoard mobile apps.

Click "Yes, Delete" to permanently remove these users from your Organization.


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