Setting Organization Data Preferences

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

Your Organization can manage all of your OnBoard data settings within the Data Preferences page located in your Organization Settings. Settings here allow you to configure data that is collected by Meeting Analytics, as well as how long Meeting Annotations, Archived Assessments Data, and Messages are retained.

Your Organization's Data Preferences

To find your Organization's Data Preferences, click Settings in the left navigation, then on Data Preferences at the top of the page.


Data Collection Settings

Meeting Analytics

Data Collection Settings contains the Meeting Analytics options that can be managed by clicking on "Configure".


Configuring the Meeting Analytics Data Collection Preferences will allow you to toggle the data collection option, as well as a breakdown of the data collected and an FAQ at the bottom to give extra information on the data being collected.


The data collected by Meeting Analytics provides important meeting insights to the Engagement panel in your Meeting's Analytics tab. 


You can learn more about Meeting Analytics by checking out this article: Viewing Meeting Engagement Analytics.

Important Note: The Engagement panel will no longer appear in your Meeting Analytics if data collection is paused.

Toggling the Meeting Analytics Data Collection off will prompt you to be sure you want to pause the collection of data. This can be reversed at any time. 


Once paused the Meeting Analytics panel in Data Collection Settings will display as Inactive to show the correct status of the data collection.


Pausing this Data Collection will also cause Meeting Brief emails to contain reduced information, such as what meeting invitees may need to focus on when preparing for a meeting.

Data Retention Settings

Data Retention Settings allow the customization of the retention of certain pieces of data in your OnBoard Organization.



Three options are available for the data retained by Assessments. 


"Keep all responses when assessments are archived" will retain all information on the Assessment if it is archived.

"Delete written responses when assessments are archived" will delete the written responses but will retain other results data when the Assessment is archived.

"Delete all responses and result data assessments are archived" will remove all responses and data submitted by users if the Assessment has been archived.

Important Note: Once Assessments data has been deleted it cannot be restored. This is a permanent deletion. 

Meeting Annotations

The Meeting Annotation Data Retention Settings will allow an Administrator to decide if Meeting Annotations should be retained when a Meeting is archived. 


You can use the radio button to choose to Delete annotations when meetings are archived.


A prompt will appear to confirm the choice.

Important Note: Once Annotations are deleted they cannot be restored. This is a permanent action!



Another feature that can have its Data Retention settings managed is Messenger.


Clicking to Keep messages for a specified timeframe will allow you to select the timeframe you'd like to set.


Clicking the Select Timeframe dropdown will open the options for the available timeframes that messages can be kept in Messenger before they are permanently deleted.


These options include keeping messages for 1, 30, 60, or 180 day intervals, or more long-term with deletion taking place after 1 or 2 years. 


Once set, any message sent will be deleted after the amount of time selected has passed after the message's sent date.

OnBoard will check for messages to delete twice daily, every 12 hours, and will bulk delete any messages that exceed the specified time frame.

Important Note: Message deletion by the Data Retention Settings is a permanent action and cannot be undone.


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