The Organization Settings can be found under "Settings" in the left navigation.
This section is only visible to the Administrators of the organization, and they will control some important settings for your organization.
General Settings
General Settings is the first tab in the Organization Settings. You can return to this tab at any time by clicking on Settings in the left navigations, then on General at the top of the screen. Here Organization Administrators can set general organization settings such as enabling or disabling Document Downloads, setting the Landing Page users see when they log in, and the Time Zone setting for items exported from OnBoard.
Document Downloads
By default, documents attached to the agenda sections of meetings can be downloaded individually, or as one large PDF file. These files are placed in the user’s “Downloads” folder on their computer and can be accessed however they wish from there. The ability to download these documents can be toggled on or off for each separate meeting individually.
However, using the toggle found in the Organization Settings will completely disallow downloads across the entire organization, for all Meetings. This setting will also apply to the documents found in the Resource Library and Messenger Messages.
Download Exceptions
Use the “Add Exceptions for Document Downloads” button (visible after disabling the Document Downloads toggle), to allow a few users to be exceptions to this download restriction.
Users who are added to the Exceptions list will still be able to download books and resources, even when this feature is disabled for all other users.
Restrict Meeting Downloads to PDF Only
Select the Restrict Meeting Downloads to PDF Only checkbox to restrict document downloads to PDFs for Non-Admins (Readers and Contributors) for Meeting Documents Only.
Meeting Admins will still be able to download the native versions of meeting documents (.doc, .xls, and .ppt). However, Readers will only be able to download PDF versions.
Meeting Document Watermarking
Meeting Document Watermarking will place watermarks on agenda section and meeting book documents viewed and downloaded from Onboard. You can place the watermarks across the entire page or in the footer. Review our Meeting Document Watermarking article for more information.
Shared Annotations
Shared Annotations is a feature available to specific package levels of OnBoard. If you do not see this setting, then your organization does not have access to the Shared Annotations feature. Sharing Annotations between users can be an excellent way of collaborating over meeting documents. However, should you wish to disable this feature for your Organization, simply uncheck this option.
Once disabled, exceptions can be configured to allow access to the Shared Annotations feature on a user-by-user basis.
Learn more about shared annotations here.
Organization’s Landing Page
Users in your organization can be automatically directed to either your Meeting List or your Homepage when they initially log in. Select either option from this dropdown menu to apply this setting to all users in your organization.
Organization’s Time Zone
This setting can be used to set the timezone for your Organization. This affects everything that can be exported from OnBoard. Most of the items inside OnBoard will display a time in the user’s local time. For example, a meeting scheduled for 5pm Pacific time will display as 8pm for anyone who is in the Eastern time zone. However, some timestamps will always report the “Organization’s Time Zone,” such as eSignature timestamps, exported materials, and email alert notifications.
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