Managing the Homepage

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle

OnBoard's Homepage is a customizable landing page. It is where where every OnBoard user can review their most recent Meetings and Actions awaiting their response.

It can also be used to post Announcements and links for your members to quickly access their Resource documents.

The Homepage also contain tabs for Organization Details and Plan Details. Review our articles on managing those items for more information.

Depending on your plan with OnBoard, you may have the ability to customize the panels that display on the Homepage.

Important Note: Customers with the Legacy Core package will only have the option to Create and Manage Announcements. If you'd like to learn more about the Homepage and upgrade to get these enhanced features, please reach out to your CSM!

Accessing the Homepage

If the Homepage is set as the organization’s landing page, the Homepage will open when logging into the organization.

To access the Homepage when viewing another section of OnBoard, select Home from the navigation bar.


Selecting the Homepage as the Landing Page

The Homepage will be the default landing page for an organization.

Admins can change the landing page from the Homepage to the Meeting List in the Organization Settings.

Select Settings from the Navigation Panel. In the General Tab, scroll down to the Landing Page section and toggle between Home and Meetings to change the landing page.


Meetings on the Homepage

The top of the Homepage will display each user's Current or Next Meeting.  

  1. Easily access to the Meeting Book with the Open Book button.
  2. Review the Meeting Details and Agenda with the View Agenda Button.
  3. Launch the remote meeting with the Join Remote, Join Teams, or Join Zoom button.
  4. RSVP with the RSVP dropdown.


Navigate between the Current or Next Meeting and the Last meeting with the arrows on the top right of the panel.

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If the Meeting Minutes are visible in the Last Meeting, they can be accessed with the View Minutes button. 


Other upcoming meetings will be displayed below the Current or Next Meeting. Use the Open Book or View Agenda buttons to review the meeting book or meeting details.

To view the full list of meetings, select the caret button.


Actions Awaiting Response

The Awaiting Response panel is to the right of the meetings on the Homepage. This displays any Actions (Approvals, Surveys, eSignatures, Assessments, Questionnaires) that are awaiting a response for the users.

Select the action to access it.


Once an action is complete or submitted, it will be removed from the list.

The panel will display “No Incomplete Actions” if there are no Actions awaiting a response.


NOTE: If you do not have any Actions included in your Plan, the Awaiting Response panel will not be displayed.

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Customizing Panels "For Your Organization"

Organization Admins can customize the panels available to their members below the Meetings and Actions on the Homepage.

Review the sections below to learn more about the different types of panels.

To customize the panels, select the Configure button below the Meetings and Actions Awaiting Response. 


To add a new Panel to your Homepage, click Add Panel, and select it from the list of available options. 


Choose between five different panels to add to the Homepage. The same panel can be added more than once. As an example, perhaps you’d like to have your Welcome panel, an Announcement panel, and two Resource panels (with different folders). That is possible!

Your existing panels can be easily reordered by clicking the drag-handle to the left of each Panel's name. 



Homepage Panel Types

The Welcome Panel

The Welcome Panel is a static message that lives on the Homepage. It is a great way to introduce a new member of the team to your organization or to simply provide a nice message for all users to view when they initially log into OnBoard.


The Welcome Panel’s edit screen can be accessed from the Edit Content button on the top right corner of the panel.


This is where you can change the title of the panel, the message inside, as well as add a picture to your message. 


You can click Save Changes at the top right corner to save and close the Edit Content view.

This will return you to the Homepage to view your new Welcome Panel!

The Announcements Panel

Announcements are an excellent means of communication through OnBoard.

Announcements can be viewed and sent directly from the Announcements Panel on the Homepage.  The panel can be edited to show a various number of recently sent announcements. For more information on how to create an announcement, please be sure to check out the Creating and Managing Announcements article.


The Resources Panel

Do you have a Resource folder full of commonly-accessed documents? Placing a shortcut to them in the Resource Panel on the Homepage can help save valuable time!


In fact, placing multiple Resource panels on the Homepage will allow you to display multiple different folders of Resource materials.


Once it's been added, you can easily select a Resource folder to display on the Resources Panel by clicking the Select Folder button near the top right corner of the panel.


You can select any folder that you currently have permission to, and users will only see content in this panel that they have permission to view.


To display a sub-folder you can click into a root folder.


After selecting a folder to display, just click Select Folder.


By default, the Resources panel will have a title of Supplementary Materials once added. To change this, the number of items to display, and the folder selection, just click Configure at the top right corner of the panel.


You can edit the Panel Display Name, set a new number of Resource items to display, and select the new folder, then click Save at the bottom right of the window to update your Resources Panel!


The Meetings Panel

Meetings will automatically appear at the top of Homepage. If you'd like to also list the upcoming meetings for your members in the "For Your Organization" section of the Homepage, you can add a Meetings Panel.

The Meetings Panel will display the next few upcoming meetings relevant to each member! Not only does this list provide a quick look at what is on the schedule, but it also functions as a set of shortcut hyperlinks. Click any meeting in the list to view its full details.


You can change the Upcoming Meetings Panel's name and the number of upcoming meetings your users will see by clicking Configure in the top right corner of the panel.



You can enter a new name and change the number of meetings displayed, then click Save to confirm and update the panel.


The Actions Panel

Actions Awaiting Response will appear by default at the top of the Homepage. If you'd like to also list Actions Awaiting Response and other Open Actions in the "For Your Organization" section of the Homepage, you can add an Action Panel.

Important Actions, such as Approvals, Surveys, eSignatures, Assessments, and Questionnaires can all be configured to appear inside the Actions Panel. This allows quick and easy access to participate in any of these actions.  By default, the Actions Panel will display all current Open Actions and Actions Awaiting a Response the user currently has permission to view.


You can even edit this panel to choose a specific type of Action to display, which means multiple Actions Panels can be used to separate each different type on your Homepage! 

To change these options, just click Configure at the top right corner of the Actions Panel.



You can edit the Actions Panel's display name directly. You can also select the Type of Actions to Display from the dropdown for this Panel.


After setting your preferred name for the panel, the Actions to Display, and the number of items you'd like to display on the Panel, click Save to update your Actions Panel!


OnBoard Group Trainings:

If you are interested, we do offer further education. You can find the calendar and register for OnBoard Admin group training sessions by clicking here

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1 comment

  • Comment author
    Kim Ciccarelli-Kantor

    Thank you Jenna for establishing this portal for the Board and committee members.


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