Accessing Meeting Settings
A Meeting's Settings can be found by clicking the Settings button located at the end of the ribbon of buttons just below the Invitees list.
If you have a smaller screen or resolution, you may need to click the 3 dot icon at the end of the row to find the Settings option.
Once the Settings panel is open you'll have various settings that can be changed for your Meeting.
Hide Attendance Setting
As the meeting's administrator, you will always be able to see the meeting's attendance, regardless of any setting. However, when this setting is enabled, NON-ADMINS of this meeting will not be able to see how other people have chosen to RSVP. This eliminates the possibility of a user's attendance depending on another.
Table of Contents Settings
With this setting enabled, a new page is generated by OnBoard to be the first page in the meeting's board book.
Click "Configure" to set exactly the type of content you wish to appear on the Book's Table of Contents.
You'll have the option to enable or disable any of the following items: Organization Logo, Organization Name, Meeting Date & Time, Meeting Location, Agenda Section Descriptions, Agenda Section Document Names, and Agenda Sections without Documents.
The Meeting Date & Time on the Table of Contents will be set to the ISO 8601 format to standardize the date and time for all locations.
Note: Unnumbered Agenda Sections will not appear in the Table of Contents.
Book Page Numbers Setting
You can choose to have OnBoard automatically brand each page with a page number. This number will continue consecutively through ALL of the documents that have been added to the book. Each separate document might have its own set of numbering, but it is quite helpful to have one total overarching set of page numbers that anyone can reference and understand which page to view.
Meeting Pacer Line Setting
If you have the Meeting Agenda Pacer enabled in the Organization Settings, you'll find the Meeting Pacer Line option in the Meeting Settings. You can disable the line that keeps track of the meeting's time on the Agenda as the meeting goes on.
Find out more about the Meeting Pacer Line in this article: Agenda Time Management: The Agenda Pacer Line.
Document Download Setting
If you have Downloads enabled at the Organization level, your Document Downloads in the Meeting Settings are usually set to be enabled by default, meaning users with access to the meeting will be able to export PDF copies of the board book for their own use, outside of OnBoard. When this setting is enabled, that ability is removed from ALL users for this meeting. Including the meeting's administrators.
Important Note: This is one of two ways this feature can be disabled. The other is from the Global Administration settings on the Dashboard page. If you do not see the "Document Downloads" in the Meeting Settings panel, Downloads may be disabled at the Organization level.
Meeting Brief Emails Setting
By default, this setting is enabled, meaning invitees will receive intelligent email notifications and an automated reminder to ensure they are better prepared for their meeting. Learn more in our Meeting Brief Email Notification article.
Meeting Feedback Settings
If Meeting Feedback has been enabled in the Organization Settings, the options for Meeting Feedback should appear in the Meeting Settings.
Here you'll be able to enable or disable the Meeting Feedback, and also to choose who receives the Feedback request once the meeting has been completed.
You can find out more about Meeting Feedback in this article.
Publish Meeting Settings
If your meetings are set to be public in the Organization Settings, in the very last section of the Meeting Settings you'll find the Publish Meeting Settings.
By default the Meeting will be Unpublished, but you can click "Select Content & Publish" to Publish the meeting to the Public.
Find out more about Publishing your Meetings in this article: How to Publish Your OnBoard Meeting to the Public.
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