Creating, Duplicating, and Deleting Meetings

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

Creating Meetings

In order to create a new meeting, click the Meetings icon in the Navigation Menu, then click Create Meeting button located in the upper right corner of the screen.


This will open a new meeting window where you can begin filling in the details, such as meeting name, location, and the date. Click "Save Changes" at the top right corner to save these changes and move on to editing the rest of the Meeting.


After saving the Meeting Details, you can select "Setup Remote Meeting" to enter the remote meeting details such as Zoom hyperlinks and phone numbers. 


You can find out more about setting up remote meetings and Zoom in this article: Creating a Remote Meeting from an OnBoard Meeting.

Duplicate a Meeting

You can easily duplicate a previous meeting by opening the 3 dotted button to the far right side of the Meeting's name, and clicking the Duplicate option as shown below.


The meeting will copy and appear as "your meeting name- copy" and become editable (date, time, location).


The agenda along with the members associated with each section and all section permissions, as well as any settings that had been set in the original meeting will copy into the new meeting.


Important Note: Documents associated with agenda sections are not copied over. 

Duplicating meetings is a quick way to reproduce meetings you have regularly without having to recreate the agenda and reset permissions.

Deleting a Meeting

Meetings are easily deleted by opening the 3 dotted button to the right of the Meeting's name, and clicking the Delete option as shown below.


You are then asked to confirm your decision to delete the meeting.


Important Note: Keep in mind that all data and documents associated with that meeting’s agenda sections will be deleted as well. This is a permanent step and cannot be undone, and the data cannot be restored.

OnBoard Group Trainings:

If you are interested, we do offer further education. You can find the calendar and register for OnBoard Admin group training sessions by clicking here. 

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