Public Posting Implementation Recommendations

Matt Holmes
Matt Holmes
  • Updated

Some organizations, such as universities, are required to make their meeting materials visible to the general public. OnBoard Makes it easy to make that happen. For instructions on how to publish your meetings, please refer to the following two links. The purpose of this article is to provide some recommendations for how you might want to implement this feature at your organization. 

How to Publish Your OnBoard Meeting to the Public


Step 1: Determine how your organization wants to display public information.

OnBoard gives you three separate hyperlinks to use when giving the public access to your meetings. Each one has its own purpose, and you will be able to mix-and-match these methods to meet your needs.

Those three URL types are:

  • the Entire Organization's List of Meetings Hyperlinks
  • a Group's List of Meetings Hyperlink
  • Individual Meeting Hyperlinks


Option 1: The Organization's URL

This link (found on the Organization Info page in the Dashboard) is used to display every single public meeting that your organization has published to the public. As you publish more and more meetings over the year, they'll automatically be added to this dynamic list of meetings. This means that you could pass this URL to the administrator of your website, have them post it on the appropriate page, and not worry about needing to change it when new meetings are published. 

Option 2: The Group's URL 

The Group's hyperlink will display every public meeting a particular group has been given access to view. Each Group in your organization will have its own separate URL. For example, the URL for the Financial Committee Group will have one set of meetings, and the URL for the Advisory Board Group could potentially have a separate list of meetings (based on meeting permission). Just like with the Organization URL, these hyperlinks can be handed off to the administrator of your website, to be made available on the appropriate pages. These lists are also dynamically updating when new meetings are made publicly visible in OnBoard, allowing another excellent opportunity of "set it and forget it".

Option 3: The Individual Meeting's URL

The last option, which is a hyperlink to an individual public meeting, will display the content for just one single meeting. If you wish to gather the URLs for a handful of particularly important meetings, have your IT Team/Webmaster dole them out as a cluster, These hyperlinks will not dynamically change anything, however. If this is the method you prefer, it may require a little more manual effort, since you'll have a new hyperlink for each meeting you wish to make publicly visible. 


Step 2: Make sure to hand off the URL to your Website Administrator

Simply publicly posting the meetings in OnBoard is generally half the process. Users outside of your organization won't have any idea how to access your public meetings, unless we give them the location where they can be found. No matter which option you've chosen to go with (or maybe, you like all three!), be sure to keep your IT Team/Web Administrator person in the loop. Give them the URLs, and let them know they'll need to create a hyperlink somewhere your users will know how to find it. Perhaps your company has a public website, accessible by anyone. This would be a great place to stick a link that says "Access our Monthly Board Meeting materials" - that takes the users directly to the URL you've received from OnBoard. 


Step 3:  Need Help? Let Us Know!

Passageways is dedicated to providing the best meeting experience possible. If something doesn't make sense, please let us know. We're always here to help, and we love doing so. Not only can we help get you where you need to be with the product, but we're also here to listen and make the process smoother for you next time. 

Contact Us:
(765) 535-1880   Option 1



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