Welcome to OnBoard's new meeting experience for the iOS and Android apps.
Meeting Tabs
The meeting's Details, Agenda, Minutes, and Analytics are now separate tabs to better highlight important meeting information.
More Pronounced Buttons
Buttons have also been elevated, so that it's easier for meeting invitees to see what items they can interact with.
New Share Options
There are additional share options for the Meeting. You can now export:
- A Link to the Meeting
- Agenda Word document
- Meeting Book PDF
- Meeting Book PDF with Annotations
- Meeting Minutes as a PDF or Word document (if available)
Read below to learn more about how the different sections of the meeting have been improved.
Details Tab
Let's first take a look at the new Details tab. The information has been separated into different panels to better identify key information for the meeting.
Time and Location
The meeting's date, time, and location are now more easily identifiable.
If your meeting organizer has included a valid address, a map will be included. Tapping the map will open the map application on your device, so that you can quickly get directions to the meeting.
Meeting Materials
The Meeting Materials are now easier to identify.
The Open Book button will be visible if you haven't opened your Meeting Book. Tapping Open Book will open your Meeting Book for the meeting.
If you've previously opened the book, the button will read as Resume Reading Book. Tapping the button will take you to where you last left off.
It's now easier to download the Meeting Book for offline access. If you ever need to review your meeting materials when you don't have access to phone service or WIFI, tap the Download for Offline button to securely download the Meeting Book to the OnBoard app on your device.
Once downloaded, it will clearly say Saved for Offline so that you know the materials are available for offline access.
Note that if you are connected to WIFI, or if your settings are set to Auto-Download over Cellular Data, the Meeting Book may be automatically downloaded.
Remote Details
The Remote Meeting Details are now more distinguishable. The Join Remote/Join Teams/Join Zoom button is larger and easier to locate, so you can quickly join your remote meeting from OnBoard.
The grey text in the panel identifies what remote meeting information is available and any notes will be displayed. Click on See Details to access the full remote meeting details.
Within the Attendance section, the RSVP button is now more pronounced.
Previously, RSVPing would auto-prompt the option to add the calendar event to your calendar. Now, choosing any option other than Not Attending will show the button to Add to Calendar, so that you can add to your calendar at any time of your choosing.
Under Attendance you'll also find a preview of the invitee list. Tap to see the full invitee list, view profiles, and message other invitees.
Agenda Tab
The Agenda was previously located below the Meeting Details. The Agenda now has it's own dedicated tab.
Tap or Swipe to Access Agenda
Tap the Agenda button or simply swipe with your finger to access the Agenda.
Updated Agenda Summary
You'll now get a summary of the number of agenda sections and documents included in the agenda.
Also, you'll be able to see when the agenda and documents were last updated, so you'll be aware of any changes that were recently made to the agenda and meeting materials.
Expanding Agenda Items
Use the Expand All button to expand the entire agenda, or tap the individual sections to expand individual sections.
Agenda Section Document Share Options
There are additional share options for agenda section documents. Long press a document for the share options:
- Open File in Book
- Share a Link to File
- Export File
Meeting Book View - Agenda Updates
New Agenda Design
The agenda in the Meeting Book view has been updated for easy navigation. Sections are now highlighted so you can quickly identify what section you're viewing.
Long Pressing Agenda Section Documents
Long pressing a document in an agenda section will present the following options:
- Jump to File
- Share Link to File
- Export File
Updated Agenda Navigation Bar
The buttons in the bottom navigation bar have also been updated. The buttons have text, so they're easily identified. The invitee list has also been relocated to the navigation bar.
Minutes Tab
If the Meeting Minutes are available for a meeting, they'll now be located in their own dedicated tab.
To download the Meeting Minutes, you'll now use the share button on the top right of the page.
Analytics Tab
Meeting Analytics can now be accessed on their own dedicated tab as well.
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