Accepting Invitations to Additional Organizations

Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
  • Updated

If you already have an OnBoard account, you can use the same credentials to access your different organizations using OnBoard. 

Here is how to accept an invitation to a new organization when you're already using OnBoard.

Accepting Invitations to Additional Organizations

When you're invited to an additional OnBoard organization, you'll receive an invitation email from OnBoard. 

Since you're an existing user, you'll be prompted to sign into OnBoard. Click on the "Sign In Now" button to go to the OnBoard sign in page.


Enter your OnBoard credentials and click the "Continue" button. 

You'll be brought to the organization selection screen. At the top of the organization selection screen, you'll see pending invitations.

Select "Accept Invitation", and the organization will be added to your available organizations. 


The Organization Selection Screen will allow you to navigate between all of the OnBoard organizations you're a member of. To access an organization, click or tap on the organization tile. 


The process is the same on the mobile and tablet app.


Dismissing an Invitation

If you select the "Dismiss" option on the web or "Decline" on the mobile or tablet app, the invitation will be removed.

If you dismissed an invitation in error, your organization administrator can resend you an invitation.


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