OnBoard provides you with a resource library where documents such as policies, procedures, expense reports, and bylaws can be found.
Video - Viewing Resource Documents on the Web Browser
Video - Viewing Resource Documents on the Tablet App
View Resource Documents
Clicking on Resources in the OnBoard Navigation menu will display any folder or document that you've been granted access to view.
Important Note: Keep in mind the Resource option may be located in the (...) More icon on smaller-screened mobile devices. (Shown below).
Simply tap/click any resource document, image, website or video listed in these folders to view it.
Downloading and Sharing Resource Documents
If downloads are enabled, you can download the document to your device or save, print, and share it on the phone or tablet app.
On the web application, click on the download icon prior to viewing the file, or click on the Download button when viewing the document.
When viewing a document on the phone or tablet app, tap on the share button on the top right of the page to save, print, or share the document.
Video - Creating Resource Annotations on the Web Browser
Video - Creating Resources Annotations on the Tablet App
Creating Resource Annotations
Just like with meeting documents, you can create annotations right inside a Resource Document.
After opening the document-style resource type (PDFs, Word, Powerpoint, Excel documents), you can click "Annotate" on the document toolbar above the document to change into Annotate mode.
This will bring up the Annotation menu below the toolbar.
For examples of each of these different styles, please reference the following article: Creating, and Managing Annotations
Sharing Resource Annotations
Much like meeting annotations, Resource Annotations can be shared with other members of your organization who have access to the same Resource documents. To do this, you'll just click on the Annotation you'd like to share from your document and click the Share icon.
This will make the Annotation available to all users with access to the Document. To view them they just need to open the document and change the view from "My Annotations" at the bottom left of the document viewer and change the setting to "All Annotations" to view their own annotations and any shared ones, or "Shared Annotations" to view only the Annotations that have been shared.
You can also share multiple annotations at once. Use the Select Tool and use your mouse to drag the selection box around the annotations you'd like to share in bulk. Or, you can hold down the Control(CTRL) key on the keyboard while clicking to select multiple annotations. Once selected, the menu will allow you to click to group annotations together.
Once grouped together, use the Share Annotation button to share your annotations.
Viewing Recent Documents - Mobile/Tablet App
After viewing documents on the mobile or tablet app, your most recently viewed documents will appear for quick reference in the main resource folder. Tap to view them or click on the Clear button to remove them from this view.
OnBoard Group Trainings:
If you are interested, we do offer further education. You can find the calendar and register for OnBoard Board Member/Director group training sessions by clicking here.
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