Completing Questionnaires

Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
  • Updated

With OnBoard, you can quickly and securely complete your Director & Officer questionnaires on any device. 

Accessing Questionnaires

In most cases you'll receive an email notifying you that a new questionnaire is available. Click or tap the link within the email to sign into OnBoard and immediately access the questionnaire. 


When logged into OnBoard, you can access your full list of Questionnaires by selecting Actions in the navigation bar. Use the filter button to show the filters, and select Questionnaires to see only your questionnaires. 


Questionnaires "Awaiting your Response" are questionnaires that you have not yet submitted a response to. "Open" questionnaires are questionnaires that you've already submitted, but are still open.

Click or tap on a questionnaire to access it.


You may also find Open questionnaires and questionnaires Awaiting Your Response in an Actions panel on your organization's Dashboard page.


Completing Questionnaires

To begin completing questionnaire questions select Start or Continue Questionnaire.


Click or tap on a question to answer it. 

Some questions may have been pre-filled by the questionnaire Admin. Review the pre-filled answers and make any changes as necessary.

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Once all required questions have been answered, the Submit Response button will turn green. Select Submit Response to submit the questionnaire.


Question Types

Posible question types are:

  • Yes or No
  • True or False
  • Checkboxes (allow for multiple selections)
  • Radio Buttons (allow for only one selection)
  • Text Response
  • Table


Table questions will provide categories listed in columns. Enter the requested information under each category. Select Add Row to add additional rows to list more information as necessary.


Review Process

Once a questionnaire has been submitted, Admins will have the opportunity to review the questionnaire response. If an Admin sees a questionnaire requires updates, they can revoke the submission and send a reminder notification.

If notified to update your submission, click or tap from the notification or locate the questionnaire in OnBoard, make the necessary updates, and resubmit your questionnaire. 

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