Responding to an Assessment

Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
  • Updated

Onboard Assessments make it easy for you to anonymously respond to your board, self, and other assessments in one secure location.

You can respond to an assessment on your computer or in OnBoard's free phone and tablet app on both iOS and Android. 

Review below to learn how to access and respond to OnBoard Assessments. 

Accessing an Assessment

In most cases, you'll receive an email notification when an assessment has been opened for responses. Click or tap from the email to immediately access the assessment after signing in. 


To locate assessments awaiting your response when you're in OnBoard, click on the Actions icon, and use the filter buttons to filter out just assessments.

The open assessment will be listed under “Awaiting Your Response”. Click on it to open the assessment.


You may also find your assessments awaiting your response on your organization's Dashboard page.


Responding to an Assessment

Once you open an assessment, you’ll be able to see the description and instructions, the other respondents, and any supporting documents that have been included. To begin, click on “Start Assessment”


Now, go through and answer the questions. There will be a progress bar at the top to show how close you are to completion.

When you are done, click the green button at the top right that says, “Submit Responses”. You’ll be taken back to the assessment overview page, and it will say that you have submitted your assessment.


Exit the assessment at any time, and it will save your progress. So, you can return and complete the assessment at a later time.


After you've submitted the assessment, you can update and resubmit your responses while the assessment is open.


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