Accessing Board Books While Offline - Mobile Apps

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

If you review documents while on the go or in low-signal or no-signal areas, don't fret! OnBoard's mobile apps allow you to save Board Books to view and annotate without an internet connection.

Save your Board Books for offline access

While still online, log in on the OnBoard mobile app and be sure to select Trust the device and set your PIN.


Important Note: If the device is not trusted, you will be automatically signed out after an hour of inactivity. Upon sign out, all offline data is deleted (and unsaved changes will be lost) to keep your data secure.

Before you go offline, you'll want to double-check that your Board Book has been saved for offline access.

If you're connected to wifi, the book will automatically download upon viewing the meeting. To confirm that the book has downloaded for offline access, you'll see the text "Saved for Offline" next to the Open Book button.


You can also manage your settings to have you Meeting Book automatically download over cellular data. To do so, select Profile & Settings, then Settings, and enable "Auto-Download over Cellular Data."


If the Meeting Book has not been downloaded automatically, you can manually download the Meeting Book by tapping the "Download for Offline" button.


Once Saved for offline viewing, as long as you don't manually sign out of OnBoard (tapping Sign Out in your Profile & Settings menu), you'll be able to access your saved Board Books and make Annotations.

You'll know you're viewing the offline version of the Book when you tap on "Open Book" and the message appears "This document could be outdated. Please reconnect to the internet to check for a newer version." You can dismiss this message if you'd like to see it each time you view an offline document, or you can tap "Don't Remind Me" to hide this message from now on.


Annotations will upload and become available in the live version of your Board Book after you reconnect the device to your network and open your Book.

To review your stored offline data, you can tap on your user icon (or the "..." icon and Profile & Settings.)


Go to Settings, then tap "Saved Offline Data" to view all currently saved books


Here you'll see a list of all currently downloaded Board Books that can be accessed offline.


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