Responding to Surveys

Customer Education
Customer Education
  • Updated

In OnBoard you can quickly respond to survey polls on any device. Read below for more on how to access and respond to OnBoard Surveys. 

Accessing Surveys

You can quickly access surveys from mobile notifications, email notifications, or by navigating to the surveys in OnBoard.

Accessing Surveys From Email Notifications

When an Admin opens a survey in OnBoard, a notification can be sent via email. The sender of the email will be "OnBoard." Click on View Survey. After logging into OnBoard, you'll be brought immediately to the survey in OnBoard. 


Accessing Surveys from Mobile Push Notifications

If you have the OnBoard Meetings app on your phone or tablet, and notifications are enabled, push notifications can be delivered on your device. Tapping on the notifications will take you to your notification list in OnBoard. Tap on the appropriate survey in the notification list to access it. 


Accessing Surveys in OnBoard

After logging into OnBoard:

  1. Click “Actions” from the left Navigation Panel.
  2. If Action buttons are not visible at the top of the page, click on the filter button.
  3. Click Surveys at the top of the page.
  4. Select the appropriate survey to view it. 


Answering Survey Questions

On the web application, click on Take Survey to view the survey questions. On the mobile app, the survey questions will be listed immediately. 


Answer Questions throughout the survey and click Submit when finished.



If a question is Required, it must be answered before you can submit the survey.


As long as the survey is open, you can update your response/resubmit the survey.


If you're an Admin, and would like to learn more about creating and managing surveys, review our article on Creating and Managing Surveys.

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