You have a lot of features in OnBoard to help drive effective and productive strategic discussions. In this article, we're going to cover four features that make building meeting minutes a breeze, keep your team on track, and bolster engagement in the boardroom.
Meeting & Engagement Analytics
Meeting and Engagement Analytics offers anonymized and aggregated real-time insights into how your board works. It makes meetings smarter by bringing data to bear, shining light on topics that demand an extended discussion.
- Know when board books are read
- Find where annotations are made
- See what sections are receiving the most attention
- Mark motions
Task Management
Manage, organize, and track your most important action items— everything happening throughout your meeting cycle. Keep all of your outstanding and completed work contained on the same platform as your board and leadership work.
- Assign tasks to your team
- Track due dates
- Measure goals and progress
- Set priorities
- Link tasks directly to any meeting
Meeting Minutes Builder
The Minutes Builder unifies your workflow, enabling you to make minutes directly within OnBoard. The builder makes it easy to focus on the meeting itself, a must-have for every meeting workflow.
- Make notes
- Create tasks
- Track attendance
- Mark motions
Advanced Global Administration
The next level in governance and security, the Global Admin account, allows your organization's IT team to keep tabs on what is happening inside OnBoard.
- Run engagement reports
- See usage logs and security reports
- Granular item permissions
Training Videos & Resources
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