Archiving a Meeting
OnBoard allows you to archive meetings in order to create a historical account of a past meeting. Archivingis a permanent action that cannot be undone once completed so be sure you wish to archive a meeting when completing this process.
Important Note: Archiving is a permanent action that cannot be undone.
In order to archive a meeting, open the Meeting Options Menu and click on the Archive option as shown below. This will open a dialog box asking you to confirm that you wish to archive the meeting. Keep in mind that archiving is a permanent action that cannot be undone.
Important Note: If any Organization Administrator has elected to enable the "Delete Annotations (from Archived Meetings)" feature from the Organization Settings screen, Archiving a meeting will permanently delete annotations made for all users. These annotations are not recoverable.
When a Meeting is Archived
When a meeting is archived some important changes to the meeting take place. First, all users with access to the meeting that had the permission of Contributor are changed to Reader. Also, users who were Administrators remain Administrators and can continue to manage users’ access to the meeting. This means that if users need to be given access to the meeting at a later time an administrator can still do so.
Second, an archived meeting gains a new report that shows who had access to the meeting at the time the meeting was archived. This is called the Permission Snapshot and can be accessed by opening the Downloads link in the meeting and selecting Permission Snapshot.
If any Organization Administrator has elected to enable the “Remove Annotations from Archived Meetings” feature from the Organization Settings screen, archiving a meeting will permanently delete annotations made from ALL users. If they are not removed, previous notes and annotations will still be available for viewing only. The meeting book will still be visible as long as the user has the correct permissions.
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