Changing your own account password can happen in two different circumstances: either while you're logged into your account, or if you've forgotten the password and need to get it changed while not logged in.
Resetting Your Password - Web Browser
On the OnBoard login page,, after inputting your email address, you'll find the Forgot password? button.
Click Forgot password? to initiate the password reset process.
Enter/confirm your email address and select Reset Password.
A six-digit code will be sent to your email. Please check your email inbox (or open it in a separate browser tab) and locate the two-factor authentication email. Copy the six-digit code provided.
Navigate back to the OnBoard browser tab, paste or enter the six-digit code, and select Continue.
Create and confirm your new password and select Continue.
Passwords must:
- Match
- Have one lowercase character
- Have one uppercase character
- Have at least 8 characters
- Have one special character (! @ # $ % ^ & * ?)
- Have no whitespaces
Once successful, select Go to Login, enter your email address and new password, and select Continue to sign in.
Resetting Your Password - Mobile
On the OnBoard mobile login page select the Forgot Password? button.
On the next screen, enter your OnBoard email address and select Reset.
OnBoard will send a password reset email to your email address. Check your email, and select Reset Password within the email.
Enter and confirm your new password and select Change Password.
Passwords must:
- Match
- Have one lowercase character
- Have one uppercase character
- Have at least 8 characters
- Have one special character (! @ # $ % ^ & * ?)
- Have no whitespaces
On the sign in screen enter your email address and new password, and select Sign In to sign in.
Changing your Password (While already logged in):
While logged into the web version of OnBoard click on your name or profile in the bottom left corner of the left navigation then select Profile.
Switch over to the Settings Tab, then click Change Password.
You'll then be prompted to enter your current password and create and confirm a new password. Once you click the Submit button your new password will be used to log in to OnBoard!
It is recommended to log in manually with this password again and save the password if you're prompted to avoid logging in with an older password.
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