Week 3: Communicate Your Launch Strategy (The Importance of Change Communication)

Jenni Washington
  • Edited

Communication not only eases the process, but also generates a synergy that promotes a better understanding of what you and your team are working to achieve. It facilitates cooperation and helps to develop a sense of belonging that will guarantee that everyone is on the same page and up to the task.

Every change communication strategy should consist of delivering timely, relevant and consistent information, as well as mechanisms to share feedback, raise concerns and ask questions. Ensure you have support from leadership and the board chair as you develop your messaging and determine your delivery channels.

Internal Testing and Stakeholder Communication

  • There is often buy-in secured through an executive or governance committee before investing in new technology. If your full board is not yet aware of your impending transition to OnBoard, you will want to communicate early and often. Take advantage of our email templates and plan these into your launch timeline.

  • Testing and getting early feedback from a few key stakeholders is recommended. The administrator and member views in OnBoard are very similar; however, those who are creating meetings and managing content will appreciate the confidence that comes from fully experiencing the platform from the lens of the end user. Follow our recommendations for testing the member view.

  • Who doesn't love a good checklist?! To ensure that nothing was missed and that everyone has the best first experience with OnBoard, we have prepared a launch readiness checklist to guide you.

  • Reinforce your strategy in multiple channels. Make an announcement at your next meeting. Include reminders in memos from the board chair and company newsletters. Your OnBoard Dashboard is another place to post a warm welcome and keep members updated through announcements.

Need Help?

If you get stuck, search our knowledgebase or email success@onboardmeetings.com.


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