Mobile App Security PINs, TouchID/FaceID, and 2-Factor Authentication

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

When you initially open up the OnBoard App, you will see a login screen where you'll be prompted to authenticate with your OnBoard ID email address and password. Depending on some of the security settings required by your organization, you may be given the option to register a new PIN code, set up Touch ID or Face ID, or asked to provide a 2-Factor Authentication code. Below, we'll see examples on how these features are set up and utilized during the login process. 

Setting the Security PIN Code

This code is incredibly useful for accessing your organization's materials in OnBoard quickly and securely. After you've fully authenticated like normal, you'll be able to simply use your PIN Code to replace the full username/password process. This code can also be used when trying to access your meeting materials in Offline Mode. When setting your PIN code, please be sure to choose something you will remember. 


Once you've confirmed your PIN, you'll be asked to trust the device. If this is a personal device that you'd like to stay logged into OnBoard, you'll want to trust the device. 

If you Trust the device, you won't be asked to log in again for 120 days without opening the app.

If you Do Not Trust the device, you will be logged out after 60 minutes of inactivity to ensure your OnBoard data is secure.


Important Note: If you manually log out of OnBoard, the authentication process will start over with your username/password, and re-configuring this PIN code. 

Using Touch ID / Face ID Enabled Devices

Many recent devices include biometric sensors like fingerprint readers and face recognition. These security measures can be configured to be used instead of the PIN code mentioned above. In order to turn on this feature in OnBoard, you must first ensure that you have configured the feature in your device's settings. 

Here are some simple steps to follow to get these features enabled.

Step 1: Ensure your Fingerprint or Face is registered on your device

Locate the Settings app on your device and navigate to the location regarding TouchID or FaceID settings. Ensure the feature is enabled and you've configured it fully (registering a fingerprint or your facial features). See your specific device's user manual for exact instructions on where to find these settings.


Setting up Touch ID - Apple Support Site

Setting up Face ID - Apple Support Site


Setting up Facial Recognition - Samsung Support Site

Setting up Fingerprint Security - Samsung Support Site

Setting up Fingerprint Security - Google Support Site

Setting up Facial Recognition - Google Support Site


Step 2: Enable Touch ID or Face ID from the OnBoard Settings Menu

Once your device is set up to use Touch/FaceID, go ahead and log into OnBoard like normal. Once you've landed on the home page tap your user icon to open up the Profile & Settings Menu.  For some mobile devices, you may need to click the (...) icon in the bottom right-hand corner.


From here make sure Enable Touch ID is enabled.


Step 3: Logging into OnBoard from this moment onward

Now that you've toggled on either Face ID or Touch ID for your OnBoard Application, you'll be able to log into OnBoard much more quickly with your fingerprint or by looking into the camera.  These features will replace the need to use a PIN code for OnBoard.


2-Factor Authentication

OnBoard’s robust security allows for the option of enabling a second factor of authentication. Doing so creates a layered defense that makes it much more difficult for an unauthorized person to gain access to your account. When enabled, logging into OnBoard will require not only your OnBoard ID and Password, but also a unique randomized code that can be emailed or sent by text message. 

Important Note: This feature is restricted to particular package levels of OnBoard. If you do not see this feature as it is described below, contact your Administrator and inquire about the possibility of upgrading.

Enabling 2-Factor Authentication

To enable 2-Factor Authentication, navigate to the same Settings menu as above, then toggle the Two Factor Authentication. By default, your authentication code will be delivered by email. If you prefer to receive this secondary authentication code by SMS Text Message instead, click the Phone Number section and enter your mobile number. 


Then verify the code that you should receive by typing into the space shown below.


Logging in with 2-Factor Authentication Enabled

After enabling 2-Factor Authentication in the steps mentioned above, your login experience will change significantly. On the login screen, enter in your OnBoard ID and password as normal. Next, you will need to choose how you’d like to receive your secondary authentication code, either by Email or by SMS Text Message.

If you did not set up a mobile number in the steps above, you’ll automatically be guided to the next step of the process.


After you've chosen your method of delivery, check your email (or mobile phone) for the code, and enter it into the screen shown below.


With 2-Factor Authentication enabled, these two steps MUST be completed in order to gain access to your OnBoard account. However, the login session on the mobile app will keep the user logged into a Trusted device for 120 days of inactivity, making it unnecessary to authenticate the app if opened in that timeframe.  

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