Zoom Integration Troubleshooting and FAQs

Matt Holmes
Matt Holmes
  • Updated

OnBoard Zoom Integration Guides 


Zoom Troubleshooting:   

I am having trouble linking my Zoom account to OnBoard 

  • Requirements 
    • The Zoom account you are linking cannot be linked to another OnBoard organization 
    • Your Zoom administrator may need to authorize you to use the OnBoard integration (Business accounts and higher have the ability to require approval for integrations) 
  • Issue:  
    • I got a message saying "You cannot authorize the app" 
      • Possible Cause:  The administrator for your Zoom account has disabled your Zoom account from using integrations or using integrations requires approval.  Contact your Zoom administrator to authorize you to link your Zoom account to OnBoard. 


I am having trouble generating a Zoom meeting for my OnBoard meeting 

  • Requirements 
    • You must have a zoom account linked to your OnBoard organization. That account cannot be linked to any other OnBoard Organizations 
  • Issue:  
    • When generating the zoom meeting in my OnBoard meeting I receive an error. 
      • Possible Cause: The Zoom account that is linked to your OnBoard org is already linked to another OnBoard organization.  A zoom account may only be linked to a single OnBoard Organization. Try unlinking the account and linking a separate Zoom account to your OnBoard organization. 
    • When generating the zoom meeting in my OnBoard meeting I receive an error “Update – Could not refresh integration token”  
      • Possible Cause: Unknown at this time. The OnBoard team is investigating this behavior. If you encounter this please reach out to our technical support team.  


I am having trouble editing an OnBoard Meeting 

  • Requirements 
    • Please see the linking and editing requirements above 
  • Issue:  
    • I updated the meeting name/time/password in OnBoard but when I look at the meeting in Zoom it has not updated. 
      • Possible Cause: There is a 10 minute delay for changes OnBoard to make their way to Zoom. Wait 10 minutes and then check the meeting in Zoom for updated information. 


I am having trouble joining the meeting or with the features of a Zoom meeting through OnBoard 

  • Requirements 
    • You must be using the Chrome web browser or Microsoft Edge(With Chromium)  
    • You must enable OnBoard to use your microphone and video through Chrome 
    • Your Zoom account settings should have the following settings configured this way: 
      • Join before host = ON 
      • Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when scheduling a meeting = OFF 
      • Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) when starting an instant meeting = OFF 
      • Waiting room = OFF 
  • Issue
    • My Zoom player is black and unresponsive 
      • Possible Causes: The account used to set up this meeting does not have its account settings configured properly. See the requirements above. 
      • Possible Cause: Your zoom meeting settings do not allow meeting attendees to join before the host arrives.  Ensure that the “Join before host” setting is enabled for your Zoom account. This setting can be found at: https://zoom.us/profile/setting 
      • Possible Cause: Sometimes when toggling the Zoom meeting player from Full screen to the mini player you will lose access to the video and mute buttons. If you refresh your web browser this should be corrected. (The OnBoard team is currently investigating this behavior.)  
    • I am not getting any audio or video from the meeting 
      • Possible Cause: You have not enabled OnBoard to use your audio or video devices. When joining a Zoom meeting from within OnBoard your browser will ask if you want to allow OnBoard to use your audio and video. You will need to allow this in order for your audio and video to work properly. 
      • Possible Cause: You are using an unsupported web browser. OnBoard Zoom integration requires that you use Chrome or Microsoft Edge with Chromium.
    • I don't see any Zoom host controls 
      • Cause: You are unable to join as a host when joining the Zoom meeting from the OnBoard integrationIn order to have access to host functionality you will need to join your Zoom meeting outside of OnBoard. 
    • I don’t see a way to share my screen from the Zoom player 
      • Possible Cause: You are not viewing the Zoom meeting in fullscreen mode.  Some features like screen sharing are only possible when the Zoom player is in full screen mode.  
      • Possible Cause: You are using the OnBoard Mobile app (iOS or Android). Screen sharing is currently not possible from the OnBoard mobile apps.  


Frequently Asked Questions 

Q: I have my Zoom meeting set up to auto generate a password. Will the meetings I generate through OnBoard automatically have a password? 

  • A: A password is created when you generate the Zoom meeting from within OnBoard. This overrides the Zoom setting currently. However, adding a password to the OnBoard Password field will assign a password to your Zoom meeting. This is a recommended best practice for all Zoom meetings.  

Q: If I set up my Zoom meeting to require a password will attendees from OnBoard have to enter the password? 

  • A: No. Since OnBoard already knows the meeting password, OnBoard will pass it automatically for the attendee (when they join through OnBoard of course  ) 
  • Side note: Meeting Admins should be encouraged to add a password in the OB password field and recall that once the password is entered there is a 10 minute delay before the Zoom information is updated 

Q: I use the same Zoom meeting link for each one of my meetings. Can I do that using the Zoom integration? 

  • A: This is not possible as the Generate Zoom Meeting button creates a new meeting each time.  However, you can still copy an paste the same zoom meeting each time into the Remote Meeting Details Field. 

Q: Can I have two concurrent Zoom meetings happening at the same time with the integration? 

  • A: You cannot. Zoom does not allow the same meeting host to have two zoom meetings occurring at the same time.   

Q: What happens to the Zoom meeting when I edit the meeting in OnBoard? 

  • A: OnBoard will update the Zoom meeting when the meeting name, password field or date/time is updated. Note there is a 10 minute delay on this update. 

Q: Do you need to have a Zoom account to attend a Zoom meeting through OnBoard? 

  • A: No. If you open a Zoom meeting in OnBoard and do not have a Zoom account you can still attend the meeting and OnBoard just like a standard Zoom meeting. 

Q: Do I have to have a paid account to use the Zoom Integration for OnBoard? 

  • A: No, free Zoom accounts can be used as long as the require account settings are configured properly 

Q: Can I have more than One OnBoard Org linked to a single Zoom account? 

  • A: No. Only one Zoom account may be linked to a single OnBoard org.  

Q: I have more than one OnBoard Organization how can I have the Zoom integration set up for each one of my OnBoard Orgs? 

  • A: You will need to use a separate Zoom account for each of the OnBoard organizations. Currently the Zoom integration only supports a one to one relationship of Zoom accounts to OnBoard Organizations.  


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