Edited Document Publishing

Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
  • Updated

With Document Publishing, you can manage when your edits to Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents are visible to Readers in OnBoard. 

For more information on how to edit Microsoft documents in OnBoard, review our Editing Documents with the Microsoft 365 Integration article. 

Organization Default Publishing Settings

Organization Admins can manage what the default Document Publishing setting is for all meeting and resource documents.

If the Microsoft 365 Integration is enabled, you can locate the Document Publishing settings in your organization Settings under the Feature tab. Scroll down to Edited Document Publishing. 


Select between Automatically Publish Edited Documents and Manually Publish Edited Documents.


When set to Automatically Publish Edited Documents, any edits made on a Microsoft document will be immediately available to anyone who has access to the document in OnBoard.

When set to Manually Publish Edited Documents, edits made on a Microsoft document must be published before Readers can view the updated document in OnBoard. Only Admins and Contributors of the document will have access to edited document prior to publishing. 

This organization-wide setting will be the default setting for every meeting and resource folder.

When changing from Manually Publish to Automatically Publish a prompt will appear stating that any unpublished drafts will remain unpublished, and these drafts must be manually published to be available to Readers. 


For meetings only, meeting Admins can adjust the document settings for an individual meeting as outlined below.

Meeting Publishing Settings

Within a meeting, the Document Publishing setting will default to the organization setting, but it can be adjusted by meeting Admins within the Settings of a meeting. 

In the meeting Settings, scroll down to Edited Document Publishing.


Document Publishing will be set to Set Using Organization Setting by default. Change to either Automatically Publish Edited Documents or Manually Publish Edited Documents to update the Document Publishing settings for the individual meeting.


When changing from Manually Publish to Automatically Publish a prompt will appear stating that any unpublished drafts will remain unpublished, and these drafts must be manually published to be available to Readers. 


NOTE: There are no Document Publishing settings for individual resource folders, and the publishing settings for all resource folders will be set by the organization settings. 

Automatically Publishing Edited Documents

If set to Automatically Publish Edited Documents, your edits on Microsoft documents will be immediately available to everyone who has access to the document once saved back to OnBoard.

NOTE: If you are in an editing session and idle, your edits will be available in OnBoard after 5 minutes of inactivity. 

Manually Publishing Edited Documents

Publishing Menu Options

If set to Manually Publish Edited Documents, any edits must be manually published before the Readers of the document can view the updates.

Once a document is edited, it will enter Draft status. Only the Admins and Contributors of the document can see the document in Draft status. Readers will see the unedited (Published) version of the document. 

The document icon will update with a purple pencil and the word Draft will appear next to the title of the document. The Draft icon will show in the agenda, in the resource folders, and at the top of a document when reviewing it. 


Clicking on the 3-dotted menu to the right of a document in a resource folder or the agenda will reveal publishing options for document Admins and Contributors. 

  1. View the Draft of the document.
  2. View the currently Published version of the document.
  3. Publish the Draft of the document. 
  4. Discard the current Draft and all edits since the document was last published.
  5. Download the Published version of the document.


Clicking View Draft will show the document in OnBoard with all unpublished edits.

Clicking on View Published will show the published version of the document currently available to Readers of the resource folder or meeting.

Clicking on Publish Draft will publish all current edits, and a prompt will appear confirming you would like to publish the draft. Once published, the updated version of the document will be available to everyone with access to the document (Readers, Contributors, and Admins). 


Clicking on Discard Draft will delete the draft version and all current edits on the document. A prompt will appear confirming you'd like to discard the draft prior to discarding. Once discarded, only the published version will be available. 


Clicking on Download Published will download the Published version of the document currently available to Readers.


Viewing a Draft

When viewing a draft in OnBoard, document Admins and Contributors can utilize the Publish button at the top of the document to publish the draft. 

Clicking the 3-dotted menu will provide the options to View Published and Discard Draft.


Viewing a Published Document

When viewing the published document in OnBoard, a banner will appear at the top of the page notifying you that you're viewing the published version. The Publish button will be greyed out. Click on the View Draft button to view the draft of the document. 

Clicking on the 3-dotted menu will provide the options to View Draft and Discard Draft.


Meeting Publishing Best Practices

Building the Book

When publishing a document within the agenda of a meeting, the document will also update in the Meeting Book.

Once an agenda document is published, the Build Scheduled 30-minute timer will begin. When the timer is complete, the updated version of the Meeting Book will build. 

If you've published new versions of documents within a meeting, and you need your Meeting Book to be immediately available, click the Build Scheduled button and select Build Book Now to immediately build the book and make it available to all invitees of your meeting. 


Meeting Visibility 

Draft documents must be individually published before Readers of the documents will have access to the updated versions. 

Updating the visibility of the meeting will not publish the draft versions of the documents in the agenda. 

As a best practice, meeting Admins should review all documents within their agenda to verify the correct versions of their documents are published prior to setting the meeting to All Visible.


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