With OnBoard’s Microsoft 365 Document Editing, you can collaborate with other Admins and Contributors by editing your documents within meetings and resource folders.
With OnBoard permissions, you can customize which documents your users can edit. This article will review how to manage those permissions in OnBoard.
Managing Resource Editing Permissions
Managing Editors of All Documents in a Folder
Resource Admins are the only users that can edit documents in resource folders. It's a best practice to start by managing permissions in the parent resource folder, as permissions start from the top down in Resources.
To add users and update them to an Admin of a folder:
- Select the 3-dotted menu to the right of the resource folder.
- Select Edit Permissions.
- Select the permission.
- Update the user to Admin.
You can also accomplish this by using Groups to permission an entire group of users as Admins.
- Click the Groups tab.
- Click the circle to the right of the group.
- Click the permission and select Admin.
Once permissioned as Folder Admins, the users can edit any document within that folder. Readers will only be able to view documents in the folder and download if downloads are enabled.
Managing Editors of Documents in Sub-Folders
You can get more granular with resource editing permissions by allowing users to only edit documents for specific sub-folders.
To accomplish this, make sure the user is permissioned as a Reader of the parent folder. On the sub-folder, click on the 3-dotted menu to the right of the folder and select Edit Permissions. Change any Readers to Admins, individually or by group, and they'll be able to edit the content of the sub-folder only.
Managing Editors of Individual Documents
You can also manage permissions so that users can only edit specific documents.
To accomplish this, make sure the user is permissioned as a Reader of the parent folder. On the document, click on the 3-dotted menu to the right of the document and select Edit Permissions. Change any user from a Reader to an Admin, individually or by group, and they'll be able to edit the document only.
Managing Meeting Editing Permissions
Meeting Admins, Meeting Contributors, Agenda Section Admins, and Agenda Section Contributors will be able to edit documents within meetings.
Meeting Admin and Contributor Permissions
Meeting Admins and Meeting Contributors will be able to edit any documents in the agenda.
You can manage Meeting Admin and Meeting Contributor permissions by:
- Clicking on the Manage Invitees button.
- Select the permission.
- Update the permission to either Contributor or Admin.
You can also accomplish this by using groups to permission an entire group of users as Admins or Contributors.
- Click the Groups tab.
- Click the circle to the right of the group.
- Click the permission and select Admin or Contributor.
Meeting Admins will be able to edit documents when a meeting is unpublished, or in any other visibility.
Meeting Contributors will only be able to edit documents when a meeting is set to Meeting Details, Details & Agenda, or All Visible.
Agenda Section Admin and Contributor Permissions
You can also manage who can edit documents for specific agenda sections.
To permission invitees for editing individual agenda sections, they will need to be permissioned as Readers of the meeting.
To assign editing permissions for the agenda sections:
- Click on the Edit Details button on the appropriate agenda section.
- Scroll down and click on the Permission Section Members button.
- Change the permissions for those who need editing access for that section to either Contributor or Admin.
Both Contributors and Admins will be able to edit the documents of that section.
The only difference between an Agenda Section Contributor and an Agenda Section Admin is that Agenda Section Admins will be able to edit permissions for that agenda section and Contributors will not.
NOTE: You cannot revert Meeting Contributors and Meeting Admins to Readers of an Agenda Section.
For Agenda Section Admins and Agenda Section Contributors to edit documents, the meeting will need to be set at least to Details & Agenda, so that the Agenda Section Admins and Contributors have access to the meeting and the agenda.
Disabling or Enabling Document Editing
Microsoft 365 Document Editing will be enabled by default. To disable or enable document editing for the entire organization:
- Click on Settings in the navigation panel.
- Click on the Feature tab.
- Scroll down to Enable Microsoft 365 Integration, and use the toggle to disable or enable.
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