Week 5: Meeting FAQs (Anticipated OnBoard Questions)
You're an expert in your current workflow when it comes to managing meetings. Adopting a new software and embedding it into your processes takes some thought and time. We don't know what we don't know, right?!
A benefit to joining the OnBoard family is the knowledge that has been gained from other organizations who are mature in their use of OnBoard, alongside our expert team of dedicated customer success folks who want to help you avoid common pitfalls and learn ways to get the most out of the product.
Let's skip right to making you the hero by empowering you with answers to questions before you think of them (or you get asked for an answer).
Meeting FAQs
Q: Can my board chair and a few select others preview a meeting before it's published?
A: Yes! Use the visibility of the meeting in conjunction with the permissions of your invitees to accomplish this. There is a "?" tooltip next to the visibility drop-down that explains each visibility state and what your invitees can see depending on the permission you have granted them.
Q: Is there a way for the committee chairs and leadership team to add their documents directly to the agenda?
A: Yes! There are 2 options.
Option 1: Once you invite your group(s) to the meeting and set them as a "Reader", toggle to the Members view of the flyout, click on any user's current "Reader" permission and upgrade them to "Contributor". Next, set the visibility to "Meeting Details" if it is currently "Unpublished". Anyone who is a Contributor will be able to see the agenda and even upload materials if needed. Anyone who is a Reader will only be able to see the high-level meeting details - meeting name, date/time, and location.
Option 2: Leave everyone except your co-admins as Readers of the meeting and then go to an individual agenda sections. Click "Edit Details" on the subsection and then choose the "Permission Section Members" button. Anyone that is a Reader who should be able to upload documents on that specific section can be upgraded to "Contributor".
Q: How can I provide an annotated agenda containing notes/script for the chair in OnBoard?
A: Navigate to the "Compose Agenda" area from the Meeting Details view. Create an agenda subsection below your Call to Order or Adoption of Agenda section. Click "Edit Details" on the subsection and then choose the "Permission Section Members" button. You will be selecting anyone who should not see the subsection and updating their permission from Reader to Excluded.
Q: What's the best way to handle pre-read materials or supplementary documents?
A: There are a few options you can choose from.
Option 1: Within the agenda, click "Edit Details" for a section and in the flyout, scroll to the "Section Documents". Take an existing document or add a new document and then drag that to the Supplementary Material box. You can also click the 3 dots on the document to move it between the supplementary and book designation. A supplementary document will open as a pop-over modal in the Open Book view and will not be included in the pages of the compiled book.
Option 2: From within the "Edit Details" flyout, locate the Section Description editor. Click on the link icon where you can either hyperlink to an external webpage or you can click on the folder icon in the modal and link to a file that exists in your Resources.
Q: Do members get notified every time I make an update to the agenda?
A: No. If the meeting is All Visible and you add or remove a document as an example, that will not trigger an email to be sent. That change may; however, be reflected in the Meeting Brief Email Notification if it is enabled. If you are using the Calendar Integration and you update the meeting title, date or location, that will trigger a new calendar event to be sent which prompts invitees to submit their RSVP.
Need Help?
If you get stuck, search our knowledgebase or email success@onboardmeetings.com.
Your OnBoard Digital Success Team
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