Week 6: Meeting Mastery (You're Headed for Greatness)

Jenni Washington
  • Edited

You've nailed the fundamentals of creating an agenda and digital board book! If you stopped there, you'd be missing out on some "wow" factors that will keep your board on task and help members reach a state of forward-thinking as a group, allowing them to promote organizational progress.

Meeting Mastery Tips

  • Know concretely if a quorum will be reached at each meeting. Org admins can sync their calendar and have those same, familiar invites triggered from OnBoard when you are placing your upcoming meeting dates in Meetings. Take two minutes to set this up now by following the steps in our calendar integration article and watch as those RSVPs roll in.

  • Board meetings should be decision-making sessions, not reporting sessions. You should utilize a consent agenda for basic reports and add certain materials as supplementary documents so that pre-reads and appendix items are available without cluttering up the board book.

  • Once you create an agenda, you need to follow it. When you stick to the set time and topics that directors expect, you respect their time and capacity. To help facilitate this, denote "action" vs "information" or "discussion" in the description textbox, enter presenters, and include durations for each agenda item. Be sure to enable the agenda pacer line for optimal agenda time management.

  • Evaluate your meetings to strategically evolve. When you can understand what is working well and what needs revision, you can fine-tune the processes holding you back. Soliciting ratings and comments after committee and board meetings can now be done automatically and consistently through the meeting feedback feature.

Need Help?

If you get stuck, search our knowledgebase or email success@onboardmeetings.com.


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