OnBoard Release v3.0 - November 7, 2020

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

On November 7, 2020 Passageways released an update to OnBoard that added new features, as well as maintenance and security updates.

This is a significant release with updates to both the underlying technology platform and the user experience and design of OnBoard. These improvements set a foundation that will continue to accelerate our ability to build the best product experiences. The design updates will make for a more user-friendly and intuitive OnBoard experience and we are confident that we have set the technical foundation for many advances in the years to come.


  • New Native Mobile Login Experience (iOS and Android Apps).

  • Mobile users will now have a smooth and intuitive login experience built natively into the iOS and Android apps. 


  • Keyboard arrows will now work when navigating board book pages for user when using the Firefox browser.

  • Receive Email Notifications should no longer be disabled for fully activated users.
  • Text entered in announcements will now save properly.

  • The Free Text Annotation tool will no longer appear when viewing an eSignature document.

  • Viewing a document will no longer reset a Survey respondent's answers.

  • Previously permissioned invitees will no longer receive incorrect emails when selected to notify only newly permissioned attendees.

  • Hitting enter keys in Meeting details will no longer open the Zoom integration window in some instances.

  • Users with the Member role will no longer see the Add button on Actions.

  • Corrected a typo on the Engagement Analytics button in Meeting Details.

  • Images can once again be downloaded in Resources.

  • Long presenter names will now display correctly when editing an agenda section.

  • Users who have an OnBoard account but have never logged in will no longer receive meeting brief notifications until after they login.*
  • The Month abbreviation will now display correctly on Meeting Brief Emails.*

iOS Application

  • The Keyboard will now reliably open when creating a Note annotation.

  • The Keyboard will no longer prevent a user from making a Free Text annotation.

  • Ink (freehand) annotation strokes will now be grouped properly.

  • Action titles will no longer be cut off in the list view.

  • Approval results will no longer be omitted prior to a user voting.

  • Text in Survey write-in fields now wrap properly.

Android Application

  • Action titles will no longer be cut off in the list view.

  • Approval results will no longer be omitted prior to a user voting.

  • Text in Survey write-in fields now wrap properly.

* Only affects users in the Meeting Brief beta.

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