Member Log-Ins - Number

Jenna Garcia

I would like to see numbers/data on how often/when our members log-in to OnBoard.  Is there an easy way I can do a deep dive into the log-in session statistics?



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    Customer Education
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    You can track this information with a Global Administrator account. The Global Administrator can be used to generate Engagement Reports:

    • Login Reports
    • Book Downloads
    • Resource Downloads
    • All Organization Events

    The Global Administrator can also assist with managing permissions. 

    Here is our Global Admin Account Overview Article.

    Here is also an article on Exporting Security/Engagement Reports with Global Admin.

    Activating the Global Admin account will require an email to OnBoard. Please see the instructions below:

    Setup of the Global Administrator User:

    1. Create a new user account for the Global Admin in OnBoard. You may need your IT team’s assistance in the creation of a new email address (example: 
    2. Set the permission of this account to Administrator in the Directory.
    3. Invite the account.
    4. Accept the invitation to activate the account.
    5. Create an email:
      2. CC: *Executive email (CEO/CIO/CTO/President/etc.) 
        *IMPORTANT: The Executive (CEO/CIO/CTO/President/etc.) will need to respond to the email that he/she authorizes the Global Admin activation. Due to the level of permissions and access, this step is important in continuing this process.  
      3. Subject line: Global Admin Activation 
      4. Body of the email: 
    •      The email address you used for the Global Admin
    •      Share that the user is an Administrator.
    •      Share that you have already activated the account.

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