Permissioning Announcements and Creating Multiple Announcement Sections
Would you like create separate sections for your announcements on the dashboard? Or, would you like to have an announcement only appear to certain members? Below are some tips on how to manage announcements on the dashboard!
Separate Announcement Panels
If you'd like to create separate announcement panels, to have separate sections for different types of announcements, you can easily configure this on your dashboard.
Click on the Configure button on the top right of your dashboard page. Click on Add Panel and select Announcements.
You can add as many announcements panels as you'd like. Click on the three dots to the right of the panel to rename it, and drag and drop the announcement panels in any order you'd prefer.
So, for example, you could have one announcement panel for Board Announcements and another announcement panel for President Announcements.
Creating Announcements for Specific Groups
If you'd like for only a certain group of members to get notified and have access to an announcement, you can manage the permissions of the announcement.
When creating the announcement, scroll down to the Publish to Groups section. Every announcement defaults to be visible to All Organization Members. However, you can select one or multiple groups, and those will be the only groups that will have access to the announcement.
Note that you will need to create the group in the Directory before the group is available to use for these permissions.
View our help articles on Announcements and Groups for more information.
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