Week 2: Directory and Groups (Configuration Continued)

Jenni Washington
  • Edited

OnBoard wants to help you move faster and work smarter with capabilities designed to be simple to use.

Before we dive into the really fun stuff, there are some additional setup items that are important to get through.

Confirm you Launch Timeline

You likely know when your next board meeting will be. What will work best for implementing OnBoard for your organization? Some hand-pick a few select members for early access such as the sponsor who selected or approved the investment in OnBoard, the board chair, and a tech-savvy director. Others start with introducing the use of the platform at committee meetings ahead of the full board meeting. Of course there is the option to wait and introduce OnBoard at a board meeting - either exclusively using the platform or in parallel with your current process.

Communicating early and often is a wise approach. There is an entire section in the online checklist if you'd like to look ahead to our email templates and other launch readiness resources as you continue with the setup.

Today's Mini Mission

  • Go ahead and share the article of What Sites to Allow through Your Firewall with your IT to ensure a trouble-free OnBoard experience. You may have needed to enlist the help of IT or others while reviewing the security and feature settings as part of your last mini mission. it's easy to return to the Settings tab and enable multi-factor authentication, set to wipe annotations after a meeting is archived, or change the defaults on the meeting feedback feature if those are still undecided.

  • The foundation on which everything is built is the Directory. Here's what you'll need:
    • The list of users who will need access to OnBoard (first name, last name, and email address).
    • A roster for all standing board committees, ad-hoc committees, task force groups, standing guests, and potentially assistants.
    • Consider if you want to upload photos for members and if you have access to them on a webpage or a shared drive.
    • Keep in mind that all users in the directory can access each others' profiles as you're considering whether to include addresses, phone numbers, and other details.

  • You are now ready to populate your Directory and create Groups.

  • To ensure users can access what they need and nothing more, you'll quickly find that OnBoard's detailed approach to permissions takes some getting familiar with. There are 6 areas of the platform in which a user's permission may be configured and 2 key concepts you'll need to master including the golden rule - organization administrators are not super users. 🔖 Bookmark and refer to Understanding OnBoard Permissions. Within OnBoard, navigate to Help> Use Cases> Learn About Permissions.

Pro Tip

As you navigate through the OnBoard platform, watch for "?" icons and click on them for definitions and tips. For example, on the Members list in the Directory you'll find them in the header row next to "Status" and "Permission".

Need Help?

If you get stuck, search our knowledgebase or email success@onboardmeetings.com.


Your OnBoard Digital Success Team



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