Week 2 & 3: Resource Library Setup (Migrating Historical Meetings & Resources)

Jenni Washington
  • Edited

How often do you get asked for a copy of the meeting schedule, the past minutes, or some form?

One of the most common challenges that organizations are looking to solve, is centralizing all board and committee communication and documents. OnBoard provides you with an unlimited repository and advance search capabilities. Let's help you reduce administrative time and empower members to find whatever they need, at any time.

Today's Mini Mission

  • OnBoard allows for drag and drop capability to easily migrate historical meeting materials and important resources. While the transfer process may be relatively quick, you'll want to take time to first plan out how you want to design and organize your resource library. If your shared drive or personal file folder structure works just fine, you can model your OnBoard resource library after that. However, if you need some inspiration, we've got you covered with Designing Your Resource Library.

  • Chances are you've got meeting records that date back to when printed binders were scanned in the early movement to go 'digital'. You may need to consult with records management to determine the earliest year you need to have available in OnBoard or dust off that process document that was circulated about standardizing document naming conventions. Review Which File Types Are Supported in OnBoard.

  • Board members need access to the right information to fulfill their roles, but not all board members need the same level of access. It's common for committees such as nominating and human resources for example, to have confidential materials which should only be available to current members of those committees. Don't forget to set permissions on your resource folders and utilize the groups you created in your directory. As members move between committees, keep your groups updated to ensure the right members can access what they need, and nothing more.

  • Your resource library can be a work in progress when you launch. Start with the primary folders that are most important to your board and populate the last year or two. Don't forget about your new board member orientation - organizing all of those materials in a folder can accelerate new director onboarding in conjunction with the historical archive of past meetings and board decisions they can access.

Pro Tip

Consider creating a folder for each director and making them an admin to serve as their personal dropbox or starting a common folder that all directors are set as an admin to and can upload whitepapers or links to articles of interest.

Need Help?

If you get stuck, search our knowledgebase or email success@onboardmeetings.com.


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