OnBoard Release v3.10.28 – April 21, 2022

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

On April 21, 2022, we released an update to OnBoard that added maintenance and security updates to the platform.


The following changes were deployed with this release: 


  • When users have the left Navigation menu is collapsed they should now see a tooltip with the menu item’s name when hovering over the Navigation Icons.
  • The Downloaded Agenda document times should now all be properly right-justified.


  • Users should now be able to turn timestamps on/off when in Closed State with a new Configure button.


The following fixes were deployed with this release: 


  • The Agenda should now properly save changes after editing Section names in Compose Agenda other than the first section.
  • Having multiple Admins on an Agenda Section should now display the permissions properly.
  • Users should be able to properly edit section permissions for the third subsection of an Agenda section.


  • Administrators should no longer see duplicate 'Reset Password' options for users with the “Reset Expired” status.


  • Error messages should be more clear when a user views a document destination and doesn't have access to the Resources folder.

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