On January 7, 2022, we released an update to OnBoard that added maintenance and security updates to the platform.
The following fixes were deployed with this release:
- Users should no longer be able to remove the open date on action items that are already open.
- Users with large numbers of action items in their list should no longer encounter issues with loading.
- Voters commenting in discussion but not voting should now show up in Approvals results correctly.
- Users with longer names should no longer encounter an issue with the name cutting off their profile thumbnail.
- Questions in Assessments should now respect line breaks and new lines.
- Write in boxes should no longer say “Optional” when the item is marked as “Required.”
- New users invited as an Administrator should now have the permission displayed properly on the confirmation screen after adding the user to the Directory.
- Long user names should no longer overflow into the next row.
- The Help Center link in the first-time user experience for eSignatures should now direct to the proper location.
- Editing a column in a Questionnaire Table should now correctly prompt the "save changes" button
- Administrators should now be able to rename or delete documents attached to a Questionnaire.
- Admins viewing responses should see the verbiage corrected to show "Submitted (Time Stamp)."
- The Word document icon in the Survey Results download modal should show as the proper color.
- The Survey results should now correctly display new lines and line breaks in Essay/Long Answer results.
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