OnBoard Release v3.2.2 - April 30, 2021

Eric Biddle
Eric Biddle
  • Updated

On April 30, 2021, we released an update to OnBoard that added several improvements to the platform, as well as maintenance and security updates.




  • Added warning to users when navigating away with unsaved annotations.


  • Announcements should now be truncated after 10 lines with a 'Show More' button to show remaining text.
  • Some minor flyout design cleanup.


  • Cleanup for the Size and Proportion of the more option for File/Folder Select.

Organization Settings:

  • Updated "Twitter" field label to "Twitter Handle".


The following fixes were deployed with this release: 


  • Fixed issue where Deleted items were not updating until after a browser refresh.


  • Fixed an issue where Approval polls in voting history were getting stretched and larger than they were in Safari.


  • Fixed an issue when a user clicks 'Go to Folder in Resources' and they don't have access to that folder.


  • While composing Agenda any Untitled/Unsaved Sections are now removed when choosing to Lose unsaved sections.
  • Fixed an issue where uploading to agenda section was auto-filling the progress bar and causing upload failure.

OnBoard Registration:

  • Users should now be able to create new accounts when the Free Trial Marketing card is present.

Organization Settings:

  • Fixed an API error and typo when adding exceptions to Enable download exceptions.

Trial Page:

  • Corrected issue where selected Location was not being honored upon trial creation.

User Profile:

  • Fixed an issue in some cases where the Edit buttons were missing for a customer. 

Internet Explorer 11:

  • Fixed Navigation and Organization Log.
  • Fixed Messenger text display and design elements.
  • Removed unnecessary scroll bars for Meetings page.
  • Minor fix to remove scroll bar from the three dots on Meeting Details page.
  • Fixed an issue for Agenda sections displaying black text within white lines.
  • Supplementary Materials folder on Dashboard is now showing correct color.
  • Corrected an issue where logo was not displaying on Organization Selector page.

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