On November 2nd, 2019, Passageways will be releasing it's latest update. This update brings some enhancements to Meetings, a new Analytics tool, improvements to OnBoard email notifications, and security & maintenance updates.
New Features
- Engagement Analytics
- OnBoard now includes Engagement Analytics with every meeting, available to all members of a meeting. Please visit our guide.
- Engagement Analytics provide insight into when meeting attendees interact with the board materials and which agenda sections receive the most activity.
- This is feature is included in the Global package for OnBoard. For information on how to add the Global Package to your organization, please contact your CSM.
- Additional Meeting Details
- Two new fields have been added to the Remote Meeting Info panel in Meeting Details: Meeting ID and Secretary
- Meeting ID is for Organizations that want add additional record keeping to their meetings (i.e. Planning Meeting 1, Planning Meeting 2)
- Secretary allows to record when there is a secretary at the meeting
- The field is auto-complete (if the Secretary is a member of the OnBoard organization) or free-form (if the Secretary is not a member of the OnBoard organization)
- OnBoard Email Notifications have a new, streamlined appearance.
General Updates
- Users removed from an Organization will no longer have their signature block removed from eSignatures they have signed
- The Sign In Button is enabled and will no longer show the messages "An email address is required; A password is required"
- Exporting the User List will no longer create duplicate entries
- Highlighter and Pen Annotation tool will be turned off when "Hide Annotations" is set
- Long Remote Meeting Details will no longer run off screen
- Remote Meeting Links (with no physical location) will no longer be proceeded by a semicolon on the Meetings Panel on Dashboards
- Conversations inside Messenger can no longer be started with out a User or Group Selected
- When starting a Conversation in Messenger, clicking on the middle space for Users or Groups will now select the User or Group
- Users will no longer receive Blank pages when following the link in a eSignature Notification email.
- Meeting Visibility selection in IE11 will be on the same line
- Readers of a meeting can share Annotation with Contributors
- HTML can no longer be used in Messenger Conversations
- Archived Meetings will no longer be able to have changes to the composition of the meeting
- Cleaned up emails notifications to remove incorrect formatting
iOS Updates
- Opening a Conversation will scroll the end of all current messages, after fetching all new messages
- Non-link message bubbles will no longer have underlines applied
- Attendee Detail flyout will remain after viewing Attendee's Image - iOS 13 specific
- Meeting Detail page will show in full for meetings with no agenda - iOS 13 specific
- Alert Dialog on login screen will remain, after failing to enter the correct PIN 3 times - iOS 13 specific
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