On December 20, 2024 we released updates to OnBoard that added maintenance and security updates as well as some changes.
The following fixes were deployed with this release:
- Resolved an issue where uploading a .docx file to the Resource library that was created in Google Docs resulted in an error.
- Resolved an issue where header images were not displaying in .doc and .docx files uploaded to a meeting, ensuring they now appear correctly in the meeting book view.
Roes & Terms
- Resolved an issue where term timeframes appeared incorrectly when viewed in different timezones.
- Resolved an issue where new roles and terms could not be saved.
Automated Minutes
- Resolved an issue where updating the remote meeting password in OnBoard would not allow the OnBoard Recording Assistant to join the meeting.
- Resolved an issue where attempting to access minutes within a past meeting cased an error.
- Resolved an issue where the playback video loads indefinitely when toggling from audio only when paused.
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