OnBoard Release Notes - November 8, 2024

Customer Education
Customer Education
  • Updated

On November 8, 2024 we released updates to OnBoard that added maintenance and security updates as well as some changes. 

New Feature

The following new features were deployed with this release: 

Automated Minutes

  • OnBoard's Automated Minutes can record your meeting and provide a transcription and video playback that is secure and only accessible in OnBoard. AI-powered tools automatically generate a Meeting Outline from the transcript, so you can seamlessly draft your minutes within the built-in rich text editor. 


The following fixes were deployed with this release: 


  • Resolved an issue where supporting documents were unable to be added to an Assessment from Resources. 


  • Resolved an issue where the navigation bar was not scrolling to reveal all features. 


  • Resolved an issue where the annotations menu was not appearing in meetings.

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