On July 5, 2024 we released updates to OnBoard that added maintenance and security updates as well as some changes.
The following fixes were deployed with this release:
Plan Details
- Fixed an issue where "Microsoft 365 Integration" was not displaying as enabled on the Plan Details page when the feature is enabled.
- Fixed and issue where the task completion date displayed the current time instead of the accurate completion date and time.
Meetings/Microsoft 365 Document Editing
- Fixed an issue where viewing an agenda section document that was last edited by a deleted user displayed an "Unauthorized Page" error.
The following changes were deployed with this release:
Meeting Analytics
- Updated "Section Views" to "Unique File Views."
Two-Factor Authentication
- Updated Submit button for Two-Factor Authentication to be inactive until a six-digit code is entered in the input field.
- Updated Two-Factor input field to only accept letters and numbers.
- Disabled ability to copy and paste spaces into the Two-Factor input field.
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