OnBoard Release - November 24, 2023

Customer Education
Customer Education
  • Updated

The week of November 20, 2023 we released updates to OnBoard that added maintenance and security updates.


The following fixes were deployed with this release: 


  • Fixed an issue where Task notifications were not being sent.
  • Fixed an issue where user names were not updated in Tasks after they had been updated in the Directory. 


  • Fixed an issue where questions would not immediately display when creating a question from the Question Bank or when duplicating a question. 


  • Fixed an issue where the downloaded Approval results displayed line breaks as "?" instead of displaying text on a new line in the Approval Description section. 


  • Fixed an issue where the profile setting for Receive Email Notifications would not properly save when updating. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Date of Birth was not importing correctly when using Import CSV to add users. 

Organization Details

  • Fixed an issue where attempting to upload a logo caused a "failed to upload" error.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to upload a logo caused a second upload window to appear. 
  • Fixed an issue where users were unable to upload organization logos on the Safari browser. 


  • Fixed an issue where annotations failed to save on sample documents.


  • Fixed an issue where the book build completes, but the Open Book button does not display until the page is refreshed.
  • Fixed an issue where zooming in on the meeting book caused a second scroll bar to appear. 
  • Fixed an issue where Meeting Analytics was not accurately displaying book and section view data. 
  • Fixed an issue where document downloads were still available when downloads were disabled in the settings of the meeting. 


  • Fixed an issue where users excluded from a folder could not have their permission updated to Reader or Admin. 
  • Fixed an issue where large file uploads caused upload time outs. 


  • Fixed an issue where all Questionnaire respondents were receiving notifications that they were assigned a Questionnaire when a new respondent was added. 

Minutes Builder

  • Fixed an issue where starting Meeting Minutes caused a "Link Not Found" error.

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