On May 19, 2023 we released an update to OnBoard that added maintenance and security updates to the iOS and Android Apps, as well as some changes.
The following changes were deployed with this release:
Profiles-Skills Tracking
- Added Skills panel in profiles for organizations with the Skills Tracking feature.
- Added functionality for users to select skills, update proficiencies, and add custom skills within their profiles.
- Updated meeting invitee list to list the shared groups used to manage invitations for the meeting.
- Viewing groups from the meeting invitee list will show all members of the group and display their roles.
The following fixes were deployed with this release:
RSVP - Save to Calendar
- When calendar access to OnBoard is denied in device settings, OnBoard will deliver a "Calendar Access Denied" message when a user attempts to save a calendar event using the RSVP button. The prompt will provide an button to open the device settings for the OnBoard app.
- Fixed an issue where Global Admin accounts were appearing in the Directory.
- Fixed an issue where deactivated users and users who have not yet accepted their invitation were appearing in the members list in Messenger and Tasks.
- Fixed an issue where Global Admin accounts were appearing in the Directory.
- Updated profiles so that tapping on a group within a profile navigates the user to the Group Details page.
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