Sample Board Training Agenda Pinned
Below is an outline of the topics that can be reviewed during a 30-minute OnBoard board training session conducted by an OnBoard Implementation Consultant.
Login and Password Recovery
- How to download and install the app
- How to log in for both digital environments – using the app on a phone/tablet or the internet browser on a computer.
- iPad/Mobile App features (trust the device, offline viewing)
Dashboard & Navigation Menu Overview
- Announcements
- Quick view of upcoming meetings
- Resources
- View and filter your upcoming and past meetings
- RSVP to an upcoming meeting, add to calendar
- Join a remote meeting
Navigating the Meeting Book
- Navigating through the agenda and meeting materials
- Making annotations/taking notes to keep private or share
- Personalizing your view
- Downloading and printing the board "book", individual documents, and the agenda
Accessing the Resource Library
- Searching documents
- Making annotations/mark-up's
- Downloading documents
- Notification types - email, in-app, push notifications
- Your Profile - verify/update information, alternate email notification address
Help Resources
- Use Cases
- Guides and Videos
- Tech Support - 24/7 at or (765) 535-1880, option 1
Advanced Tools/Special Capabilities (Possible add-ons to training as needed, may not have some of these tools rolled out initially)
- Electronic voting on action items, participate in discussion forum
- Review and e-sign documents
- Polls, surveys and annual assessments
- Secure Messenger
- Task Management
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