September 2020 OnBoard Webinar: Leveraging your Portal for Giving Tuesday & ​ End of Year Giving Campaigns​

Jillian Walker
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This month Customer Support Managers, Karen Knue and Jillian Walker, talked about how to get more out of your toolbox to support end of year fundraising, specifically Giving Tuesday campaigns.

Karen and Jillian highlight some out of the box ways to use OnBoard besides traditional board meetings. Specifically, focusing internally by having your staff use OnBoard for efficient campaign and fundraising planning, and externally by engaging your board in campaign call to actions.

They dove into Meetings and Agenda as more than just a book builder...


They talked Tasks...

And dove into Announcements...

As well as practical and timely ways to keep your teams and board members engaged and aligned on the go! 

During the webinar, we used live polling to understand how you are using OnBoard with your Development teams and campaign management. If YOU use OnBoard in a creative way or have success with campaigns, please reach out to your CSM or send it to

View the Webinar Recording



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