Annotations for supplementary documents in a meeting?

Lori Baldwin
It appears there is no way for users to make annotations on supplementary documents included in a meeting. Is there something we are missing or is this not a functionality available in the programming? Seems a bit odd, that while the material may not be part of the formal board report book, annotations to prepare for the meeting or share amongst the group are not available. Is there something other way to accomplish this (annotations on supplementary documents) without including items separate from the formal board report book?


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
    • Official comment


    Annotating supplementary documents is currently not supported. However, we do see the value this provides, and I will submit a feature request on your behalf.

    An alternative approach could be to include a hyperlink to a document in your OnBoard Resource Library within the agenda section description, rather than attaching it as a supplementary document.

    To accomplish this, take the following steps:

    1. Add the document to your Resource Library, and ensure all meeting invitees have permissions to view the document in Resources.
    2. In the meeting's agenda section, select the Hyperlink option in the Section Description area.
    3. Give the link a title (we recommend the name of the document), and select the Folder icon.
    4. Locate the file in Resources and click Select Resource.
    5. Select Update to hyperlink the file to the Section Description, and select Save Changes on the section.

    Selecting the link will navigate invitees to view the document in Resources, but they'll have the ability to annotate the resource document.

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