July 2023: Committees Webinar, Lunch Break Series, and Product Updates

Andrew Sompels - Customer Education
  • Edited

OnBoard Committees Webinar

View the Recording!

OnBoard Summer Lunch Break Series

This is a 4-week series. View the recordings below:

OnBoard Product Update

As always, we continue to improve your OnBoard experience!

Video Conferencing: As of June 28, we added a new integration for Microsoft Teams video conferencing! Now, you can quickly and easily set up a Teams meeting directly in OnBoard. 

We also took your feedback and updated our Zoom integration, and you are now able to use the native Zoom app directly from OnBoard mobile. 

Microsoft Edited Document Publishing: As of July 13, we updated our Microsoft Document Editing Integration to include a publishing feature. This gives document editors control over when to publish Microsoft documents edited in OnBoard. 



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