Week 2: Please Review Your OnBoard Directory

Jenni Washington

We want to ensure the right users within your organization receive personalized updates from OnBoard that are relevant.

Users who are assigned as an Admin or Creator for your organization will receive our monthly customer success newsletter, receive product release notes, be invited to share regular feedback, and receive in-app guidance to ensure mastery and maximum success for your organization.

Your end users often appreciate minimal disruption and smart notifications that add value. We will always be thoughtful and selective when considering how we engage with your stakeholders from within OnBoard.

Use the organization-level role definitions below as you consider updates to permissions:

  • Admin - This permission is typically only given to select individuals who will be managing organization-wide security & feature settings and inviting and deleting users. That said, there is not a limit on how many admins you may have. An admin can of course create meetings, groups, resources, and other items. Important: Organization admins are not super users, meaning they do not automatically see everything.

  • Creator - Similar to an Admin, a user with this permission can create items within OnBoard, such as new meetings, groups, and resource folders. However, this user does not have the ability to edit the organization's settings or member list. Committee liaisons will commonly be given this permission.

  • Member - This end user cannot create any new content on their own. However, an admin of an object can promote an org-level member to a higher permission on an item should they need to manage or contribute to it. Generally, most directors, committee members, leadership, and permanent guests are granted this read-only permission.

For additional help with permissions, please access the OnBoard Master Permission List.

Best regards,

Your OnBoard Digital Success Team



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