Week 3: Meetings Part 1 (Simplified Agenda & Board Book Creation)

Jenni Washington
  • Edited

Busy board professionals like you share with us every day how the meeting & agenda builder has streamlined what is typically a time-consuming process. Follow along with our proven tips and utilize the drag and drop, every file type enabled, template powered, cloning capable, and document organizing powerhouse now at your fingertips.

Today's Mini Mission

  • If you have not yet attended a live Administrator Training session, they're offered twice a week for convenience. View the agenda and register.

  • Board administrators tell us that they often learn best by doing. By recreating your recent meeting agenda and board book in OnBoard, you will - 
    • apply the permission principles you've been learning,
    • gain an understanding of meeting visibility and notifications, 
    • experience time-saving features such as automatic page numbering, applying a customized table of contents, and copying meetings,
    • have a fully-built example to use for training your end users.

  • You may need to block a few hours over a couple of days to work through the Meetings Training Series.

Need Help?

If you get stuck, search our knowledgebase or email success@onboardmeetings.com.


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