Entire agenda deletion

Is it yet possible to delete the entire agenda and start again?

Say for example you have gone some way to creating a new agenda section by section, but then realise you want to start again and import an agenda using the template.

Currently it seems you have to go line by line and delete, when it would be a big time saver to be able to say - "Delete entire agenda".

Aligned to this - when you import an agenda you can't seem to state that the newly imported agenda must replace the current one. It seems to append what you are importing onto what you have already created manually.


1 comment

  • Comment author
    Jenni Washington

    Thank you, OnBoard TrialAdministrator for your question and suggestion. It's always helpful to understand the details so you're additional explanation is appreciated.

    The current design within Compose Agenda doesn't allow for a 'select all' option. I often recommend that at that stage it may be faster to delete the meeting and begin again.

    Adding the ability to delete an entire agenda (or multi-select sections for deletion) as well as a replace option when importing an agenda are enhancements that our team will consider as part of our continuous improvement efforts!



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